Department of Bengali is one of the major Department of this College. This department had begun its journey with the beginning of this college since the year 2000. In the initial time only general(Pass) course was offered to this department later Honours course was offered to this dept. from the session 2003-2004. In the initial stage the department Head only two part-time faculty namely Mr. Avijit Shit and ArunavaChattopadhyay. ArunavaChattopadhyay Headed the depatment from 2000-2001. In 2001, Mr. Anirban Manna, a full-time faculty Head joint in this department . In 2007 Mr. Anup Kumar Maji joined the Department. Then, Mr. Anirban Manna is the Head of the Department from 29ndoctober 2001 to 12 june, 2017. In 2008 the department got one part-time teachers namely Mr. Rupamaychakraborty. Later three Part-time faculty joint to this department namely Mr. UjjwalPramanik, Miss MousumiRakshit and Mr. Ashim Mukherjee in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. In the year 2020 and 2021 the department got two Assistant Professor Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato and Dr. SoumyabrataBandopadhaya . Now Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato is the Head of the Department since 26 february 2020. Currently the department consists of seven full-time faculties at about 1000 students consisting Honours, Programme, Major and Minor students. W.e.f. 2023-24 session, NEP-2020 policy is being followed.
The socio-academic atmosphere of the department is warm and the bonding of teachers and students is very good for which we are proud of Cultural and literacy Programme like Teachers’ Day, Fresher’s welcome, Annual Magazine publication, Students Seminar, Quiz, Debate etc. are regularly organized by the students every year. The results of the department are satisfactory. Lots of our students persue higher education after completing the graduation.
Our Faculty

Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato
Assistant Professor & HeadDr. Pranab Kumar Mahato
Assistant Professor & Head
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Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya
Assistant ProfessorDr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya
Assistant Professor
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State Aided College Teacher, Category - IUJJWAL PRAMANIK
State Aided College Teacher, Category - I
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Avijit Shit
State Aided College Teacher Category - IIAvijit Shit
State Aided College Teacher Category - II
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Rupamay Chakraborty
State Aided College TeacherRupamay Chakraborty
State Aided College Teacher
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Mousumi Rakshit
State Aided College TeacherMousumi Rakshit
State Aided College Teacher
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State Aided College TeacherASHIM MUKHERJEE
State Aided College Teacher
View ProfileSL No | Title of Study Materials | Prepared By |
1 | ABANI BARI ACHO | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
2 | BANAN SANSKAR | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
3 | BARORER PRARTHONA (2) | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
4 | BIBHUTIBHUSHAN BANDOPADHYAY | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
5 | Bonolata Sen | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
6 | JOTICHINHO | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
7 | RABINDRA JIBON KATHA | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
8 | Sekaler Biggaponer Vasha | Dr. Soumyabrata Bandopadhaya |
9 | Jnanadas | Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato |
10 | Kalidas | Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato |
11 | নাট্যকার উৎপল দত্ত | Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato |
12 | প্রাবন্ধিক রবীন্দ্রনাথ | Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato |
13 | বাংলা গদ্যের উন্নতিতে বিদ্যাসাগরের অবদান | Dr. Pranab Kumar Mahato |
14 | Akkhaykumar Dutta | Mousumi Rakshit |
15 | Alankar | UJJWAL PRAMANIK |
16 | Bankimchandra | UJJWAL PRAMANIK |
17 | Baul | Mousumi Rakshit |
18 | Bidyasagar | Mousumi Rakshit |
19 | Birangana - Modhusudhan | UJJWAL PRAMANIK |
20 | Charya pad | AVIJIT SHIT |
21 | English Literature | AVIJIT SHIT |
22 | Kaliprasanna Singha | UJJWAL PRAMANIK |
23 | ppp 5 | Asim Mukherjee |
24 | PPT | Mousumi Rakshit |
25 | ppt 2 | Asim Mukherjee |
26 | ppt 3 | Asim Mukherjee |
27 | ppt 4 | Asim Mukherjee |
28 | ppt | Asim Mukherjee |
30 | Rajani - Bankimchandra | UJJWAL PRAMANIK |
31 | Turki Akraman | AVIJIT SHIT |
32 | vasha | AVIJIT SHIT |
33 | vasha 2 | AVIJIT SHIT |